Coffee coffee!

Are you a coffee fan?


If yes,than you are reading your kind of blog.*me takes a sip of coffee while starting this whole thing*

I’LL tell you guys my story of being able to make the perfect coffee.Long time ago,nearly 4 years back when I found coffee an interestingly smelling thing!Than I started to make it.As I was a begginer I didn’t know that (TO BEAT BEAT BEAT BEAT) is the key of making a perfect mug.Well,as time passed I started to make it more frequently. To be honest that beating thing sucked me alot.I sometimes used to put way too much sugar,or I put cold water instead of warm more than the reqiured amount that had made the beating process PAINFUL SUCKING THING!

But now I’m really good at it. You might have heard the saying “practice makes a man perfect”

But I’m gonna tell you the secret today!take out your pen and note it down in your recipe book if you have one.



Instant coffee powder : 1/2 tsp for one cup

Sugar: according to your taste(2tsp)

Luke warm water : 1 tsp

Milk:1 cup


Take your favorite mug,put in the coffee and sugar.Add one tsp of warm water,as you’ll add it the sugar will dissolve instantly.Use a teaspoon to blend the paste.It would take 5 min or less and the coffee would turn out into a lighter peanut butter sort of a colour.This is it.Now boil the milk till bubbles are formed.Turn off the flame and pour the milk from a hight into the mug,this is the key to make ya coffee frothiest of the frothy!

Dude! You are done!enjoy.




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